Monday, January 31, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Tab is quite an overachiever!!

I love the kicks ass!! Check out my lomo-inspired pix

Tattoo Love!

I'm back!

Workin' full-time at BrownPaperBag! I'm the 3/4ths inked dude pitchin' plates of Beef Kebab, buckets of beer, ICU and Dante Varona Samplers!

Its been a while since my last entry..

Ah yessss..I got inked last December hence my  sleeved right arm. It still lacks color though. The design is a rising koi with cattleya, chrysanthemum and lotus flowers. The piece took 5 hours and hurt like hell.

I'm not gonna lie to ya. I fuckin hurt bro...especially the inner arm, the elbow part and right below the armpit.

Do I miss it...hell yeah!I plan to get my other arm sleeved by the end of the year..A huge flaming crab with Día de los Muertos skulls and all...

Anyway these are some designs for that project..tell me what you think.

FYI! My artist is Juanlou Encondado. You can see his work here...and here!
For inquiries you can call or message him @ 09266907049